Saturday, January 4, 2014

Energy Economy - 14 Suggestions For Cleaning House While Chronically Ill

Arggg.  This can be a very frustrating problem when you have physical limitations.  In the end, we may just have to settle for less than best in this area.  I don’t claim to have all the answers.  I certainly am not able to do all the cleaning myself.  But, these suggestions have helped me and others I know to do as much as we can.

·         Use paper plates, bowls, silverware, cups, and paper towels.  It’s not green, but it can make a huge difference when you can’t do dishes.  If you feel better in future you can go back to using china.

·         Lower your standards.  Seriously, perfectionism and chronic illness do not mesh well.    There may be weeks or months that you can do very little to clean.  Or maybe nothing at all.  And if someone else is helping you clean they may not do things your way.  Try to accept more realistic standards.  Don’t sweat stuff that doesn’t really matter.  (i.e. A layer of dust will not kill anyone.)  Avoid a perfectionist complex. 

·         Set priorities.  Give the most attention to places like bathrooms and kitchen because these will affect your health the most.

·         Keep cleansers in bathrooms and kitchen.  Rather than have to haul a caddy around when you want to clean the toilet, or having to run back and forth for supplies, just stock the rooms that need regular cleaning.  (Personally, I keep baking soda and vinegar in both places because we are chemically sensitive.  I also keep scrub brushes and gloves.  And we keep paper towels regularly stocked in both places.  It takes about three minutes to do a quick clean-up of toilet and sink.  But the bathtub takes special energy.)

·         Let your cleaning products scrub for you.  Spray the toilet, tub, sink and let them sit.  You will have to do less scrubbing if you let the cleansers do their job for a while.  Patience is a virtue.

·         Let your dishes soak.  If you don’t have energy to do your dishes let them soak overnight.  Cleaning them the next day will be much easier.

·         You can buy a special pole for scrub brushes.  It seriously cuts down on energy expenditure for both floor and bathtub.  I become completely incapacitated if I have to bend over much.  And people with RA do really well to put poles or long handles on everything they can.

·         Keep enough clothes and bedding.  You may have to go several weeks without being able to do laundry.  So keep well stocked.  See the post Energy Economy – Wardrobe Considerations For the Chronically Ill Part2.

·         Pace yourself.  If you are able to clean at all, you may only be able to do one task a day or every few days.  Example:  I used to sort my laundry one day.  The next day I would put a load in the washer.  In the evening I would move it to the dryer.  And a few days later I would fold it.  That was literally all I could do.  If you can do more, pacing is still important.  Rest in between tasks.  It often takes us longer to do things.

·         Break larger tasks down into smaller tasks.  Go at your own pace.  Slow is fine.  Accomplish one little bit at a time.

·         Ask for help.  Everyone in the family can help keep things picked up.  Or, you might be able to hire some help to come in every week, two week, or month.

·         If a friend offers to help, accept.  Seriously, don’t let your pride get in the way.  Graciously accept any offers of help you receive.  At the same time, don’t expect them to do everything.  They may only have time or energy to help with one or two tasks.  So communicate clearly with them.  Ask questions.  And answer questions.  And have in mind what you want most to get done.

·         Invest in a “robot vacuum”.  My aunt, who has the same illness I have, was given one of these as a gift.  She LOVES it.  (Here are some more economical robot vacuums from eBay.)  Or, you may find that buying a very light vacuum is helpful.  According to the functional capacity scale for ME/CFS by Dr. Bested, I have been functioning at level between 1-3 for the past two years and I haven’t gotten above a 5 in probably six years.  However in her book she says that vacuuming is a level 7 activity.  So, if you check out that scale and realize you should not vacuum – it's time to think of other options.  (When you click on the above link it will take you to the activity log/functional capacity scale.  Scroll down to get to the portion I am talking about.  I personally think a scale like this is useful for every illness.)

·         Simplify!  Have a clean out day, week, month, whatever -  and GET RID OF STUFF.  The less you have the less you have to maintain. 
      For more practical suggestions you might enjoy these sites:

Illness and housekeeping.  I like her approach
Persephone Magazine – Cleaning and chronic illness.  Good for dealing with the mental side of things.
CFS/Fibromyalgia cleaning tips Really peruse this site – there is so much here.  Just look around.
Reader tips:  Doinglaundry Specifically geared toward CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia – but good laundry tips for people with different illness.
Chemical free cleaning It can actually make things simpler as well as being better for your health.

Well, I’m exhausted just writing this post!  And now it’s your turn.  Do you have anything to add?  Won’t you share?


  1. Great ideas. I hadn't thought of the robo vacuum. That's a good idea.

    I loved something you said in your "about me" paragraph: "And because I tend to forget the conclusions I have drawn if I don't write them down and re-read them often." I do the same thing!

    Thanks for linking to my post.

    1. Hi Homemaker, thanks for checking out the blog! Glad you liked it!

  2. this!!! Thank you for all the good advice! I went thru years of depression and handled many things on this list the same way you suggest. Depression saps your energy so you have to become selective in your activities. Breaking things down into small jobs works so well. One day (or week, or whenever) I'd do the tub, another the sink and toilet, another the floor. And paper plates, etc.......God bless the Saint who invented those! Cleaning stuff out, lowering your standards--they all work well for the clinically depressed too. Thanks for sharing.....will check out the links you listed too! :)

  3. This one is very nicely written and it contains many useful facts...

  4. هكذا نتميز في شركة ركن نجد بأننا افضل شركة نظافة بالرياض تقدم خدمات التنظيف داخل منزل العميل سواء فلل او شقق وكذلك تقدم خدمات مميزة لجلي وتنظيف وتلميع البلاط والسيراميك والرخام فقط اتصلوا بنا لتحصلوا علي افضل خدمات التنيظف بجدة


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