Brain Fog (Cognitive Dysfunction) and Chronic Illness |
One of the most difficult and devastating things I have had
to deal with in this last year is a worsening of my brain fog/cognitive
dysfunction. I thought, ‘so my body
doesn’t work, at least I can catch up on some reading and studying’. But no. To my horror, I found that even
reading caused extreme exhaustion, pain, and debilitation. This realization was a very low point for me.
Cognitive dysfunction (or brain fog) has many causes. It can be a symptom in illnesses like
depression, lupus, Celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue
syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis, fibromyalgia, sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity), and many more. It is also sometimes a symptom in ADHD and
peri-menopause. And this barely
scratches the surface.